
Hampshire Golf Limited

Hampshire Golf Supporting Golf In Primary Schools

The Golf Foundations 'Unleash Your Drive' Campaign aims to help change the face of mental wellbeing in schools, by introducing golf to children of all backgrounds.

Unleash Your Drive is a comprehensive programme that can be delivered over six weeks by any teacher thanks to our easy to follow printed and digital resources, specially adapted Golfway kit and our built-in evaluation.

Nine mental toughness tools are embedded within the programme, which will help prepare children for all the challenges that life throws their way.

  • 18% of young people have a probable mental health issue
  • Children from disadvantaged backgrounds are 3 times more likely to suffer from a mental health issue

It’s time to make a difference!

The Golf Foundations initial drive is through primary schools and Hampshire Golf have invested in some GolfWay equipment which has the potential to assist or support in any way we can. If you would like to register your interest for yours or your children's school please click here before the closing date on the 15th December. 

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