The Future Champions Tour reached its finale on Sunday with a brilliant day in the Sunshine at Ampfield Golf Club. The FCT was created at the beginning of 2023 with the simple aim to give young golfers from Hampshire a positive first experience in competitive golf. The last event of the series saw 25 youngsters take to the par 3 course in both a handicap and non handicap division, some fantastic golf was played and, as you can see from the picture, everyone finished with a smile on their face, a medal and some great memories!
Special thanks has to go to Giovanni Tourinno and his Family, Gio is a 7 year old golfer who has played in each one of the Junior events across the season. Before the final, Gio contacted the team at Hampshire Golf with the idea of raising some money to purchase some prizes and proceeded to raise £150 that he used to buy a sleeve of balls for every competitor taking part at the weekend. The prize table looked great and Gio received a well deserved round of applause from all of the players in attendance. Thanks again Gio!
The final results can be seen by clicking here. The FCT aims to expand next season and we are on the look out for new and exciting venues so please get in touch if you or your club would like to get involved!